Saturday, October 25, 2008

Back From Kyoto

It's Saturday night and we got back from Kyoto about 2 hours ago. The trip was pretty fun, but it was also a little boring at times because it was a big group, thus no free exploration was gonna happen. We went to a couple temples/shrines, a candy factory, and stopped a bunch of little tourist-trap type shops that surround every major tourist hot spot. We stayed in a Japanese style hotel on Lake Biwa, the biggest lake in Japan. While we there, they feed us an excellent Japanese dinner and breakfast. Because we saw too many cool things for one post I'll be breaking the trip into a number of posts over the next few days.

This place was completely packed. Not just with normal Japanese folk and foreigners, but with TONS and TONS of Japanese school kids. There must have been at least five kids for every adult there. It was very interesting to see such a vast amount amount of young Japanese people. Some of them would even ask an English question or two, granted that was probably all the English they knew. It was still cool to see how fascinated they were by foreigners.



For historical information hit up Wiki:

More Kyoto posts to come...

1 comment:

Tychocrater said...

Really was crowded - I tend to think of a temple as a place of solitude. Some good pics!
You seem to be liking the constant Japanese food - what was the good J breakfast that you had at the hotel?
My breakfast is toast and tea and then I go to WJU to talk with some students about energy and the environment. What you saw at the temple was one of the biggest problems - too many people exist, using too much energy!