Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pottery Museum and Making Pottery

On Friday, we went to the Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum. We saw a plethora of pottery ranging from ancient to modern. It was interesting to see all of the pottery, but since I don't know anything about it or why it is significant to the world, I didn't appreciate it as much as others might have.

Later we made our own pottery in one of the classrooms at the museum. I made two bowls, unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures, but they should be mailing them pottery to us after they are put in the kiln. We should receive them in about four weeks.

Pottery Museum:

Making Pottery:


Tychocrater said...

Hi Morgan -
This is timely - we got all of our stuff out of storage this week and while slowly unpacking have come across pottery that you and Lil made back in NW! Some classic pieces waiting to have added the pieces from your Japanese period!

Vera L.Y. Uyehara said...

Hi Morgan: (Dad meant ND, not NW.) There were a huge number of students in the pottery class - wow!

Be sure to get photos of YOURSELF! We want to see you too!

As Dad said, we have found work by you and Lilia and have kept the best of them. We'll have them all on display when you come home.

Have a good week-end. Love, Mom