Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday In Tokyo

Today, because my suitcase didn't make it to Japan again, I went out and purchased a days worth of clothing. I ended up in Shibuya and found lots of crazy clothing stores as well as some nice suit shops. I ended up getting a pair of jeans and a button-up shirt. Unfortunately If forgot to get a pair of boxers and socks, but luckily my local 7/11 had some of both(+shampoo, etc...)! More importantly, the crazyness I encountered in Shibuya was recorded with some pictures and a video of some sort of festival!

Check out the short video!

And the pictures. They are not all from Shibuya, most are from the neighborhood I'm staying in. If some look empty it's because they are from about 6:00 in the morning.

More pictures.


Tychocrater said...

Lots of nice photos and the festival activity looks strange. But its a good thing you ran across it - the rest of the scenes look like there weren't man people out. How much did the jeans and shirt cost and what dd you eat?


Anonymous said...

Looks like a good time! Keep the posts coming! -L