Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Japanese Homework...and Quizes

Everyday we have at least one class, and sometimes three. In every class we get homework ad it is always due the following day even if the class only meets once a week. So, every night I have at least two hours of homework. I'm either fixing old homework or keeping up with the new stuff. Also, there are quizzes frequently; it seems like there will be two or three a week on vocabulary, kanji, or grammar/conjugations. But from all the studying I've done, in the last ten days I have noticed an increase in my Japanese skizalls. Sweet.

Ja-ne! (See you later!)


Vera L.Y. Uyehara said...

Hi Morgan: Gosh, that is a lot of quizzes! I guess that way you really keep up with everything, which is a good thing. It makes it essential to carve out regular time for homework, that's for sure.

It stands to reason that your Japanese has improved - congratulations! Keep up the really good work Morgan. Uncle Uncle Geof will be seeing you soon. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Wow! Good luck and try to keep having fun. I hope you are learning lots!!! Love -Lilia