Thursday, September 04, 2008

Getting Ready to go to Japan!

Hey Everyone!

My name is Morgan and I am about to embark on a year long journey in Japan! I will be studying Japanese language/culture at Chubu University outside of Nagoya. I am leaving the US on September 12 and get to Japan roughly 24 long hours later. In the mean time I need to pack and double check all my arrangements for the first few days I am gonna be there.

See you on the other side of the world!



Tychocrater said...

Morgan -
We await your next posting from Japan and all the others over the next year. Post some photos too, and what you eat, where you stay, what your classes are like and everything else.
Love you!

Bicyclesidewalk said...

Hook me with a link on your site when you have time - I will do the same...I am actually moving myself - October - I will be moving to Taiwan.
Best of luck!
Nathan -

Unknown said...

How amazing to hear from you! This will be a great adventure. Japan is a place I dream of going someday. I congratulate you on this great accomplishment (just getting the arrangements together and the courage to go!), and I really look forward to your blog along the way. Hasta la vista, Karla (and Daniel)

Anonymous said...

Awesome Morgan!! I can't believe you are going away for the whole year. It's be weird without you around. I miss you already!! Keep us posted on everything! Be safe and have a blast! Love -Lilia

Vera L.Y. Uyehara said...

Morgan: You must be in the air by now somewhere over western US, heading toward the Pacific! We miss you already, although I've already started cleaning off your desk to move it to my study!

Have a great couple of days in Tokyo before you go to Chubu U. Send pictures of the fish market at 4 AM!

Love you - Mom

Vera L.Y. Uyehara said...

Morgan: You must be in the air by now somewhere over western US, heading toward the Pacific! We miss you already, although I've already started cleaning off your desk to move it to my study!

Have a great couple of days in Tokyo before you go to Chubu U. Send pictures of the fish market at 4 AM!

Love you - Mom

WVmark said...

Have a great time Morgan!!!

Learn as much as you can and absorb every moment. Sally and I will be reading and watching for photos and vid clips.